Network Configuration for Windows 2000:
The following is an example of how to configure the Windows 2000 TCP/IP network settings:
Step 1: At the Windows 2000 Desktop, click “Start”, then select “Settings”, and click on the “Control Panel” as shown in the screen below.
Step 2: At the Control Panel window, select and double click on the “Network and
Step 3: In the Network and
Step 4: In the Local Area Connection Properties panel, select the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”item and then click on the “Properties” button.
Step 5: In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties panel, select “Obtain an IP address automatically”. Close each panel by pressing the “OK” button.
Step 6: You should now be able to access the PCX5000 configuration pages. Launch your browser and open location: Proceed now to the “Configuring the PCX5000 Gateway” section of this manual,