1 Hardware Overview Error! Style not defined. Error! Style not defined.
Satellite L450/Pro L450/L450D/Pro L450D Maintenance Manual 1-8
The system unit of the computer consists of the following components:
The computer is equipped with one of the following processors.
Intel Penryn processor Dual (25W/35W) Core
Intel Penryn SEAM CPU
Intel Merom Celeron/ SEAM CPU
AMD Lion (Turion X2) Ultra Dual-Core Processor
AMD Lion (Turion X2) Dual-Core Processor
AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core Processor
AMD Sable (Sempron) Processor
The computer has two SODIMMs slot comes standard with 1GB/2GB, accepting BTO for
your memory requirements. It can incorporate up to 8 GB of main memory. It supports
DDR2 at 800MHz.
The system BIOS and Keyboard BIOS share one single 1024KB flash ROM. The flash
utility can be used to program both system and keyboard BIOS at the same time.
System Controllers
Advanced Power Management 1.2 support
ACPI2.0 b and PC2001 compliant
Support SMBus specification V2.0
Hot keys for system control
Audio volume output control
External LED control
Battery scope report and control
Sticky key support
Power switch control
Two host interface channels support
Supports three independent devices
Internal Keyboard country selection
Wireless LAN on/off button