(6) Transmitter/receiver selection
Set the SBI0CR2<TRX> to “1” for operating the TMP92CM22 as a transmitter. Clear
the <TRX> to “0” for operation as a receiver. In slave mode, when transfer data in
addressing format, when received slave address is same value with setting value to
I2C0AR, or GENERAL CALL is received (All 8-bit data are “0” after a start condition),
the <TRX> is set to “1” by the hardware if the direction bit (R/W) sent from the master
device is “1”, and <TRX> is cleared to “0” by the hardware if the bit is “0”.
In the master mode, after an acknowledge signal is returned from the slave device,
the <TRX> is cleared to “0” by the hardware if a transmitted direction bit is “1”, and is
set to “1” by the hardware if it is “0”. When an acknowledge signal is not returned, the
current condition is maintained.
The <TRX> is cleared to “0” by the hardware after a stop condition on the bus is
detected or arbitration is lost.
(7) Start/stop condition generation
When programmed “1111” to SBI0CR2 <MST, TRX, BB, PIN> in during
SBI0SR<BB> is “0”, slave address and direction bit which are set to SBI0DBR and
start condition are output on a bus. And it is necessary to set transmitted data to the
data buffer register (SBI0DBR) and set “1” to <ACK> beforehand.
Figure 3.10.9 Generation of Start Condition and Slave Address
When programmed “0” to SBI0CR2<BB> and “111” to <MST, TRX, PIN> in during
SBI0SR<BB> is “1”, start a sequence of stop condition output. Do not modify the
contents of <MST, TRX, BB, and PIN> until a stop condition is generated on a bus.
Figure 3.10.10 Generation of Stop Condition
The state of the bus can be ascertained by reading the contents of SBI0SR<BB>.
SBI0SR<BB> will be set to 1 (Bus busy status) if a start condition has been detected on the
bus, and will be cleared to 0 if a stop condition has been detected (Bus free status).
1 2 345678 9
A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W
Slave address and direction bit
Start condition
SCL line
SDA line
SCL line
SDA line
Stop condition