Noise reduction circuits are built in for reduction EMI (Unnecessary radius noise) and
reinforcement EMS (Measure of endure noise), allowing implementation of the following
(1) Reduced drivability for high-frequency oscillator
(2) Single drive for high-frequency oscillator
(3) SFR protection of register contents
These functions need setting by EMCCR0 to EMCCR2.
(1) Reduced drivability for high-frequency oscillator
Reduces noise and power for oscillator when connect oscillator to outside.
(Block diagram)
(Setting method)
The drivability of the oscillator is reduced by writing “0” to
EMCCR0<DRVOSCH> register. By reset, <DRVOSCH> is initialized to “1” and
the oscillator starts oscillation by normal drivability when the power supply is on.
Note: When use drivability reduction function of oscillator, please use in case of
fOSCH = 4 MHz to 10 MHz condition.
Oscillation enable ( ><+ EXTINEMCCR0STOP )
X1 pin
X2 pin