6.6. Output network variables
6.6.1. Output network variable update
Normally, output network variables are updated when the inverter status was changed. Automatic transmission function is also prepared by “nciSndHrtBt (Send Heartbeat Time)”, “nciMinOutTm (Minimum Send Time)” configuration properties.
See section 7.4 “Communication health management” for detail.
6.6.2. nvoDrvCurnt (Drive Output Current)
Output network variable, Variable Speed Drive 6010_11 (Optional)
SNVT type: SNVT_amp (1)
It provides the inverter output current in amperes.
-Valid range: 0.0 to 3276.6 A It is overwritten 0.0A when the inverter faulted.)
-Unit: 0.1 A
6.6.3.nvoDrvSpeed (Drive Speed Feedback)
Output network variable, Variable Speed Drive 6010_11 (Mandatory) SNVT type: SNVT_lev_percent (81)
It provides the motor speed as a percentage of the nominal speed. Negative value means a speed in reverse.
-Valid range:
-Unit: 0.005% (The resolution depends on the inverter specification)
N.B.: It indicates the rotating direction at the time of a stop, only when at the time of the operation starts after changing rotating direction. However, the rotating direction of the inverter performs correctly.
6.6.4. nvoDrvRunHours (Drive Total Running Hours)
Output network variable, Variable Speed Drive 6010_11 (Optional) SNVT_type: SNVT_time_hour (124)
This output network variable provides the total operation time for the motor in running hours.
-Valid range: 0 to 65534 h (The overflow caused the value to return 0.)
-Unit: 1 h
6.6.5.nvoInvOutFreq (Frequency Feedback)
Output network variable
SNVT type: SNVT_freq_hz (76)
It provides the inverter output frequency.
-Valid range: 0.0Hz to 3276.6Hz
-Unit: 0.1Hz
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