¾Port Isolation Config
Port: | Select the port number to set its forwardlist. |
Forward Portlist: Select the port that to be forwarded to.
¾Port Isolation List
Port: | Display the port number. |
Forward Portlist: | Display the forwardlist. |
5.1.5 Loopback Detection
With loopback detection feature enabled, the switch can detect loops using loopback detection packets. When a loop is detected, the switch will display an alert or further block the corresponding port according to the port configuration.
Choose the menu Switching→Port→LoopbackDetection to load the following page.
Figure 5-6 Loopback Detection Config
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
¾Global Config
LoopbackDetection Here you can enable or disable Loopback Detection function
Detection Interval: Set a Loopback Detection interval between 1 and 1000 seconds. By default, it’s 30 seconds.