Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch
¾¾ Priority Mode: Contains “Disable”,
¾¾ Priority Rule: Contains “Weighted” and “Fixed”. If the priority mode is set to be “Disable”, the priority rule cannot be configured.
66666666Port-Based Priority
This page is revealed when the
¾¾ Port: Indicates the switch port number.
¾¾ Priority Class: In
port of the switch are forwarded in the correspondingpriority queue.
Further explanation: When priority rule is configured as "weighted", a 1,2,4,8 weighting is applied to forward these four classes of packets.
66666666 Port Default Priority
This page is revealed when the “IEEE802.1p” mode is configured. When a switch port receives an untagged frame (a frame without priority tag\, the port's default priority tag will be inserted into the frame before any other process.
FFFFFFFFFFFF Port Default Priority
¾¾ Port: Indicates the switch port number.
¾¾ Default Priority Tag: Indicates 802.1p tag being inserted into untagged frames.
47 Web Management