Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch
IEEE802.1Q Tag VLAN is divided by VLAN ID (VID\. When receiving a frame, the switch checks the VID in the tag header of the frame to decide which VLAN it belongs to. If the receiving frame doesn’t contain the tag header, the switch will assign a tag to the frame, using the PVID of the port as its VID.
5555 Port Trunking
Trunk is Link Aggregation. It optimizes port usage by linking a group of ports together to form a single trunk (aggregated groups\. Bandwidth of the Trunk is the sum of bandwidth of its member ports. There are some rules on using Trunk:
1\ Before setting the Trunk, its member ports should be divided to the same VLAN, and have the same PVID and drop untagged frame rule. Change of the Trunk setting will not affect the VLAN setting. Trunks can not be set if the switch is in MTU VLAN mode
2\ The Trunk member ports can’t enable port security and can’t be set as mirror or mirrored port.
3\ All of the Trunk member ports should be connected correctly; otherwise some ports will not be able to work.
5555 Priority Setting
555555 Priority Mode
Three priority modes (disable,
The priority rule can be set to be“Weighted” or “Fixed”. When priority rule is configured as "weighted", a 1,2,4,8 weighting is applied to forward packets. When "fixed" is selected, all packets with top priority egress for a switch port until that priority's queue is empty, then the packets with next lower priority.
555555 Port-Based Priority
Four priority classes (lowest, lower, higher and highest\ are available for a switch port in
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