Gigabit Uplink Web Smart Switch
¾¾ RX 128 to 255 B: Total frames received with a length of between 128 and 255 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
¾¾ RX 256 to 511 B: Total frames received with a length of between 256 and 511 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
¾¾ RX 512 to 1023 B: Total frames received with a length of between 512 and 1023 octets inclusive, including those with errors.
¾¾ RX Bytes: The sum of bytes of frames received, not including those with errors.
Note: Each statistic counter has the max numerical value of about 1.8e+19, in excess of this value, the counter will be reset to zero. You can also click on the “Reset” button to reset all of the statistic counters to zero.
66666666 Port Status
This page displays the port status and it contains the following fields:
¾¾ Port Status: Indicates whether the port is linked, not linked, or disabled.
¾¾ Speed (Mbps): Indicates the port speed with the unit of Mbps.
¾¾ Duplex Mode: Indicates the port is in duplex mode.
¾¾ Flow Control: Indicates whether flow control of the port is enable or disable.
66666666Storm Control
This page contains the following fields:
33 Web Management