This controls the latency between SDRAM active command and the read/write command. Leave on default setting.
•SDRAM RAS Precharge Time
This controls the idle clocks after issuing a precharge command to SDRAM. Leave on de- fault setting.
•SDRAM CAS Latency Time
This controls the SDRAM performance, default is 3 clocks. If your SDRAM DIMM specifica- tion is 2 CAS latency, change 3 to 2 for better performance.
•SDRAM Precharge Control
This option is to determine the number of clocks required to deassert RAS and the timing for SDRAM to do precharge before next RAS can be issued.
•DRAM Data Integrity Mode
ECC : Enable Error Correct Check Function.
•System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting “Enabled” allows caching of the system BIOS. This action can increase system performance.
•Video BIOS Cacheable
Selecting “Enabled” allows caching of the video BIOS. This action can increase system per- formance.
•Video RAM Cacheable
Selecting “Enabled” allows caching of the video RAM, which results in better system perfor- mance. However, if any program writes to this memory area, a system error may occur.
•8 Bit I/O Recovery Time
Recovery time is needed for old
•16 Bit I/O Recovery Time
Recovery time is needed for