When you select the Point of Interest button you will be prompted with an entry window. In the City/State box you will see the city in which you have most recently been navigating. If you want to find POIs in a different location, simply edit the City/State entry. You can also use a “Smart POI” search during a trip. If you select Near my current route, the City/State box will be removed and the POI search will find matches close to your current route. NOTE: This option is only available when you are navigating along a route.
TIP: Whether you use a City/State or the Smart POI search option, the other fields used to perform a POI search are optional. If you want to narrow the POIs that are returned do one or all of the following: select a POI Category, select an of Type option, or enter the first few letters of the Place name.
NOTE: During the initial installation of the software you have to choose between installing the Typical or Compact POI set. The Typical set gives you more POIs to choose from. In order to go back and change this option at a later time you need to insert the Install CD in your
You also have the option of entering places by using the Long/Lat button. You will be prompted to enter coordinates in the appropriate boxes. These coordinates are shown in the status bar at the bottom of the map in Planning Mode – so if you were to find a place on the map and not have an exact address for it, you could make note of the Long/Lat coordinates and enter them in this box.
In Planning Mode you have the option of
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