SCAN DIS The radio is not programmed to scan.
FIXD LST A fixed scan list has been pre- programmed into the radio. It is not possible to change the list without reprogramming the radio.
1.With scan operation turned off select the desired channel to delete from the selected conventional system's channel scan list.
2.Press A (Scan) or 9 (System). The current status is displayed for a
3.Press Aor 9during this
delete the channel from the scan list. , turns off. Any channel that is not in a conventional system channel scan list will show a "blank" for the
Nuisance Delete
A channel can also be deleted from the scan list, if it is not the currently selected channel, by pressing A (scan) key during scan operation while the
radio is displaying the unwanted channel. The channel will be deleted from the system's channel scan list in the same manner as if done using the steps above. Deletions done in this manner will not remain deleted if the radio is turned off and then back on.