FIXED P1 A Priority 1 group has been pre- programmed into the radio. A new Priority 1 group cannot be selected.
FIXD LST A fixed scan list has been pre- programmed into the radio. It is not possible to change the list without reprogramming the radio.
Note: To quickly view multiple group scan status, press either 6or the 9key. Then
slowly but consistently rotate the group knob. Each group status will appear on the display.
Deleting Groups from a Scan List
SCAN Model Radios
1.With scan operation turned off, select the desired group to delete from the selected trunked system group scan list.
2.Press A. The current status of the group is displayed for a
3.While the current status is displayed, press A until the group from the scan list is "blank". The
sequence is "blank", , , , "blank". Any group that is not in a trunked system group scan list will show a "blank" for the