The first step to take to troubleshoot your spa is to reboot its electronic system. Like your PC at home, your spa electronics could get corrupted by electrical surges or other interference resulting in improper operations. Before you call for service, please reset or reboot your spa to see if the malfunction disappears. To properly reset your spa, unplug the GFCI and plug it back after 5 full minutes. Then press and hold down the “UP” arrow button for 5 seconds. The topside display will show 12:00PM as soon as you release the “UP” button, the temperature will be reset to 102ºF, indicating a successful system reset.
II. PUMP WILL NOT OPERATE AND TOP SIDE L.E.D. DISPLAY IS OFFCause:There is no power to the spa.Solution:Check GFCI as outlined in "Testing GFCI" page 8.1.If the GFCI tests properly, call the Service Center for assistance and mention code
2.If the GFCI is inoperative, unplug the GFCI and test the electrical outlet using a 110v appliance such as a lamp or hair dryer.
a. If the appliance does not operate, your main panel circuit breaker has tripped. Reset it.
Note: If your breaker trips frequently, make sure your spa is not connected to an extension cord or that the electrical circuit your outlet is on does not have a major appliance connected to it. Poor household wiring and/or bad connection can cause low voltage and trip your circuit breaker. Make sure you have at least 110V at the outlet when the spa operate with the heater on. You might have to move your spa to connect it to a different outlet or ask a licensed electrician to run a dedicated circuit for it.
We suggest you spray the equipment system once every 2 months with WD- 40, a silicone spray that is very helpful in protecting the equipment and electrical box from rust and moisture intrusion.
b. If the appliance operates, the GFCI is defective. DO NOT USE YOUR SPA. Call the Service Center for assistance and mention the code
Your system software could have been corrupted by electrical noise, spike or interference.
Unplug the GFCI and plug it back in after
If the pump operates properly, set your desired water temperature and current time as outline in "Setting Time and Temperature" on page
Call Service Center for assistance and mention codePAGE 20