Vivitar 3765 instruction manual Connecting to a Computer

Models: 3765

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Chapter 4 - Connecting to a Computer

The 3765 camera stores images as digital data rather than on film. Instead of making a trip to a developer and printing from negatives, you can copy your images to a computer for storage.

Once transferred, your images can be viewed, edited, printed, sent via e-mail, placed on a web page, added to a report, uploaded to a photo-processor, or saved to any removable media device (such as floppy disk or CD-ROM) for delivery to a photo finisher.

After successfully transferring images to your computer, images stored on the memory card or in the camera's internal memory may be deleted to make room for new images.

This chapter explains how to connect your digital camera to a computer to download images to a PC or to use as a PC Camera.

Do not connect the camera to your computer before installing the software. This may cause installation problems. It is best to install the software from the CD-ROM prior to connecting the camera to your computer.

The 3765 interfaces to your computer in either of two modes:

1)A mass storage device (a removable disk)

2)A PC (web) camera (PC users only)

This section explains how to connect your camera in either of these two modes. As a mass storage device you will be able

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Vivitar 3765 instruction manual Connecting to a Computer