| Support trigger types are product dependent. |
mediaType | <text> | Optional. |
| Indicate the file media type. |
| Please embrace your input value with single quotes. |
| Ex. mediaType=’videoclip’ |
| Support trigger types are product dependent. |
destPath | <text> | Optional. |
| Indicate the file location in camera. |
| Please embrace your input value with single quotes. |
| Ex. destPath =’/mnt/auto/CF/NCMF/abc.mp4’ |
resolution | <text> | Optional. |
| Indicate the media file resolution. |
| Please embrace your input value with single quotes. |
| Ex. resolution=’800x600’ |
isLocked | <boolean> | Optional. |
| Indicate if the file is locked or not. |
| 0: file is not locked. |
| 1: file is locked. |
| A locked file would not be removed from UI or cyclic storage. |
triggerTime | <text> | Optional. |
| Indicate the event trigger time. (not the file created time) |
| Format is |
| Please embrace your input value with single quotes. |
| Ex. |
| If you want to search for a time period, please apply “TO” |
| operation. |
| Ex. |
| 23:59:59’ is to search for records from the start of Jan 1st |
| 2008 to the end of Jan 1st 2008. |
limit | <positive integer> | Optional. |
| Limit the maximum number of returned search records. |
offset | <positive integer> | Optional. |
| Specifies how many rows to skip at the beginning of the |
| matched records. |
| Note that the offset keyword is used after limit keyword. |
To increase the flexibility of search command, you may use “OR” connectors for logical “OR” search operations. Moreover, to search for a specific time period, you can use “TO” connector.
Ex. To search records triggered by motion or di or sequential and also triggered between
User's Manual - 147