You are prompted to choose a default tablet orientation when installing the tablet using the Intuos installation CD. At the
You can also change how your tablet is oriented using the following procedure. However, the default orientation used at the
To set up Intuos4 for
•Open the Wacom Tablet control panel and select the MAPPING tab. Choose the EXPRESSKEYS LEFT orientation option. The tablet driver automatically configures all aspects of the tablet (including the Wacom Tablet control panel options) for correct
•Next, physically rotate your tablet so the tablet ExpressKeys are positioned to the left.
To set up Intuos4 for
•Open the Wacom Tablet control panel and select the MAPPING tab. Choose the EXPRESSKEYS RIGHT orientation option. The tablet driver automatically configures all aspects of the tablet (including the Wacom Tablet control panel options) for correct
•Next, physically rotate your tablet so the tablet ExpressKeys are positioned to the right.