


Slide your finger around the ring to zoom in or out, scroll up or down, or to issue the assigned keystroke functions.

Example of zooming in

Move your finger clockwise along the ring to zoom in or scroll down in most applications.

Example of zooming out

Move your finger counter-clockwise to zoom out or scroll up.

Touch Ring default settings:

Press the toggle button to switch between four customizable states. As you toggle between settings, a corresponding status LED illuminates. Any disabled settings are skipped in the toggle sequence.

To resume operations after the tablet has entered auto sleep mode, press the toggle button.

Important: Some applications can override and control the Touch Ring functions. For details, see using applications integrated for tablet control.

Setting 1: AUTO SCROLL/ZOOM. Sets the ring to zoom in most graphics applications and scroll in most other applications.

Page scrolling is not supported.

Some applications may interpret zoom events as scroll events, or may completely ignore zooming. Likewise, scroll events may be interpreted as zoom events, or ignored completely.

Setting 2: KEYSTROKE... CYCLE LAYERS. Enables you to cycle up or down through a stack of layers when working in Adobe Photoshop. Move your finger clockwise along the ring to cycle up through layers.

Setting 3: KEYSTROKE... BRUSH SIZE. Sets the ring to increase or decrease the brush size of your drawing tool when working in Adobe Photoshop.

Setting 4: KEYSTROKE... CANVAS ROTATION. Enables you to rotate or flip an entire image when working in Adobe Photoshop. (Requires Adobe Photoshop CS4 or later.)

See customizing the Touch Ring to modify the way your tablet Touch Ring works.