When MOUSE MODE is selected, you can decide how you would like the mouse to track. (MOUSE TRACKING options apply only to the Intuos4 Mouse.)
•When USE TABLET ORIENTATION is selected, moving the mouse toward the top of the tablet moves the screen cursor up. In this mode the entire active area of the tablet is available for mouse tracking.
•When USE MOUSE ORIENTATION is selected, moving the mouse forward moves the screen cursor up. In this mode a reduced inset portion of the active area is available for mouse tracking. This is the default setting for all Intuos4 tablets.
Select MOUSE MODE to move the screen cursor with a “pick up and slide” motion similar to using a traditional mouse.
Sets the screen cursor acceleration.
Select a slower or faster screen cursor tracking speed.
You can switch between PEN MODE and MOUSE MODE by using the screen Radial Menu.
If you frequently switch between PEN MODE and MOUSE MODE, you also can assign the MODE TOGGLE... function to one of your tool buttons.