After switching on the tablet, the battery status light remains on but the screen cursor cannot be moved with the pen.
•Review Using the Grip Pen to be sure you are using the tool correctly.
•Switch the tablet power off, then back on.
•If your battery charge is low, plug in the USB cable to a primary USB port (located directly on your computer) or to a powered USB hub.
•Reset the tablet by disconnecting both the battery and the USB cable for at least 10 seconds. Then reconnect the tablet battery and try again.
The battery status light does not illuminate when the USB cable is plugged in.
Check that the cable is properly plugged into the tablet, and that it is plugged directly into a powered USB port on your computer or a powered USB hub.
Try connecting the tablet to a different powered USB port.
The battery may need replacement.
While using the tablet, the tablet battery status light flashes red.
The battery is nearly empty. Plug in the USB cable to continue working, or power down the tablet.
You want to connect the tablet using the provided USB data cable but the computer does not have an available USB port.
Check if there is an available USB port on a powered USB hub. If not available you will need to add a powered USB hub or USB card.
The tablet status LEDs are off. An LED does not illuminate when using the pen, mouse, or Touch Ring toggle button.
Be sure the tablet is turned on.
If your connection is wireless, verify that the battery status light is on and that the Bluetooth wireless connection is active.
If your tablet is connected using the provided USB data cable, verify that the USB cable is properly connected to the tablet and to an active USB port. Be sure the tablet USB cable is plugged into a primary USB port (directly into your computer) or into a powered USB hub.
If connecting to a powered USB hub device, make sure the hub is connected to an active USB port and that the hub is active. Try also connecting to another USB port or using another USB cable.
After plugging in the tablet with a USB connection, a message appears indicating that the USB device needs more power than is available.
Make sure the tablet is plugged into a primary USB port on your computer or into a powered USB hub attached to your computer.