FigureEnter21PLUG#1.BootDlay:Plug5Selction.5:Name:PARAMETERS:Plug Parametersor<ESC>5ServertoSecMenuExit1- ...Web Browser Interface
Figure 5.6: Plug Parameters Menu - Text Interface
5.3.2.Plug Parameters Menus
The Plug Parameters Menus are used to define names and boot delay times for each of the IPS's five "Zones". Plug 1 (Zone 1) always refers to the Switched Outlet on the IPS Master Unit, and Plugs 2 through 5 (Zones 2 to 5) refer to Satellite Units. The Zone number for each Satellite is set using the selector switch on the satellite's front panel. For more information, please refer to Section 4.5.
Web Browser Interface: Click the "Setup" button to access the configuration menus, then click the "Plug Parameters" button. The Plug Parameters Menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.5.
Text Interface: Type /P n and then press [Enter] (Where n is the
number or name of the plug you wish to configure.) The Plug |
Parameters Menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.6. |