1. Probe for obstructions in partition before drilling |
1⁄2” hole in wall at selected location. Take up |
quarter round and drill a small guide hole for |
sighting (see fig. 1). From basement, drill 3⁄4” hole |
in partition floor next to guide hole. In buildings |
without basements, drill 1⁄2” hole through ceiling |
and into partition from above (see fig. 1). |
2. Through this hole drop a light chain, or 6” chain |
attached to a strong cord. Snag cord in basement |
with hooked wire. In buildings without base- |
ments, drop cord through hole in ceiling and |
down partitioning; snag cord at the thermostat |
location. |
1⁄2” hole for thermostat wire
Stout cord with 6” chain attached
strip moulding
1⁄4” guide hole for sighting
Quarter round
Approximately 5 feet from floor
3⁄4” hole in floor of partition
3. Attach thermostat wires to cord and pull wires |
through hole in wall so that 6” of wire comes out |
of the wall. |
Hooked wire for snagging chain
Figure 1. Routing thermostat wires