136 HP ProLiant DL360 Generation 4 Server Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
Restoring to a Backed-Up Version (on page 138)
When to Reconfigure or Reload Software (on page 138)
Linux Operating Systems (on page 139)
Operating System Problems
List of Problems:
Operating system locks up..........................................................................................................136
Errors are displayed in the error log...........................................................................................136
Problems occur after the installation of a service pack ..............................................................136
You are unable to bind NICs during the Protocols Interview with a Factory-Installed Novell
NetWare 5 operating system ......................................................................................................136
NetWare attempts to load MEGA4 XX.HAM or 120PCI.HAM during installation, and a RILOE
II board is installed..................................................................................................................... 137
During installation of Sun Solaris, the system locks up or a panic error occurs........................ 137
Operating system locks up
Action: Scan for viruses with an updated virus scan utility.
Errors are displayed in the error log
Action: Follow the information provided in the error log, and then refer to the
operating system documentation.
Problems occur after the installation of a service pack
Action: Follow the instructions for updating the operating system ("Operating
System Updates" on page 137).
You are unable to bind NICs during the Protocols Interview with a Factory-Installed
Novell NetWare 5 operating system
Action: Be sure the packet receive buffers are set high enough. Toggle over to
the console during the Protocols Interview and adjust these values to a higher
setting that allows you to bind the NICs. A minimum setting of 50 buffers per
port is recommended, and the maximum setting should be 125 more than the
minimum. To make the setting changes: