Troubleshooting 195
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Backup ROM Invalid. - ...
...run ROMPAQ to correct error condition.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The backup system ROM is corrupted. The primary ROM is
Action: Run ROMPaq Utility to flash the system so that the primary and backup
ROMs are valid.
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Bootblock Invalid. - ...
...contact HP Representative.
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: ROM bootblock is corrupt.
Action: Contact an authorized service provider.
REDUNDANT ROM ERROR: Primary ROM invalid. Booting Backup
ROM. -...
...run ROMPAQ to correct error condition
Audible Beeps: None
Possible Cause: The primary system ROM is corrupt. The system is booting
from the redundant ROM.
Action: Run ROMPaq Utility to restore the system ROM to the correct version.