Index 245
power LEDs, system 8
Power On/Standby button 7, 8, 25
ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) 67, 112
ROMPaq utility 73, 76
Microsoft operating systems 147
modems 129
mouse 128
mouse compliance statement 228
mouse connector 10
N network connector LEDs 11
network controllers 133
new hardware 108
NIC (network interface controller) 136, 238
NIC connectors 10
NIC LEDs 7, 8
NMI switch 14
Novell NetWare 136, 137, 149
NVRAM, configuring 173
O Online ROM Flash Component Utility 73
online spare memory 46, 47, 69
operating system crash 14
operating system problems 136
operating system updates 137
operating systems 40, 82, 135, 147
optimum environment 33
options installation 37, 43
ORCA (Option ROM Configuration for
Arrays) 39, 70
P patches 137
PCI boards 110
PCI Hot Plug functionality 126
PCI riser board 28, 29
phone numbers 145
POST error messages 186
power connectors, internal 12
power cord 87
power cord connector 14
power distribution unit 36
power problems 105, 106, 125
power requirements 35
power source 105
power supplies 10, 11, 54, 106
power supply LEDs 11
power supply signal connector 12
power supply zone fans 22
powering down 25
powering up 25, 39
PPM (Processor Power Module) 43, 124
printers 128
problem diagnosis 85
processor zone fans 22
processors 12, 43, 124
ProLiant Support Packs 82
Protocols Interview 136
R rack installation 31, 32, 36
Rack Products Documentation CD 32
rack resources 32
rack stability 87
RAID configuration 70
RBSU (ROM-Based Setup Utility) 39, 67, 112
rear panel connectors 10
reconfiguring software 138
redundant ROM 76
registering the server 41
regulatory compliance notices 225
reloading software 138
Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition II (RILOE
II) 126, 137
remote ROM flash 142
resetting the system 14
Resource Paqs 82
restoring 138
RILOE II (Remote Insight Lights-Out Edition
II) 126, 137
RJ-45 connectors 10
RJ-45 network connector LEDs 11
ROM redundancy 76