character set Collection of characters contained in a font. Each character set
has been designed for a special purpose. Some sets include all
printable characters found on most standard computer
keyboards, while others are intended for such applications as
math, foreign language typesetting, and law.
CL Command language. The set of all commands with which a user
requests system functions, for instance, Job Control Language.
Clear command The Clear command is never accompanied by a data stream
command. It should always be the first command to a printer
after the mode set. If the printer is ready, this ensures that the
printer is operational before any data is sent to be printer. The
Clear command to an SCS printer causes the following: 1.
Clears the work station controller printer buffers and error
counts. 2. Clears all printer receive buffers and formatting
buffer. 3. Resets printer indicators to cause skip to old line on a
start condition. 4. Resets the current print position to 1 (the left
margin). 5. Resets any incomplete printer data stream (PDS)
commands that were pending. 6. Resets invalid SCS command
and parameter error indications in the printer. 7. Causes certain
printer unit errors to be reported again even if they had or had
not been reported. 8. Prints the residual buffered data.
coaxial cable PVC or teflon shielded 50-ohm cable, used for Ethernet, and
other protocols, such as coax. It is designed to accommodate
transmission rate of 10 megabits per second.
configuration Process of changing certain printer settings to allow your
computer to communicate properly with the printer. The printer
is configured using one of the configuration menus available
from the printer control panel.
control panel Pressure-sensitive panel on the front of the printer used to place
the printer on and offline, access and change configuration
settings, reset the printer, manage the printer, and perform
diagnostics. It also has a window for displaying printer messages,
four indicator lights, and a printer mimic for indicating locations
in the printer that need user attention. See error message.
COR Computer Output Reduction. COR, which is treated as a third
page orientation, can be used to create a scaled-down version of
computer output on a landscape letter-sized page. See also draft
quality, letter quality.
cpi characters per inch
CUOA Control Unit Output Area. The CUOA, which occupies locations
X'0010' to X'004F' of the PCIA, contains information regarding
orders from the control unit as well as configuration information.
The CUOA is written by the cluster controller and read by the