When using the @@ ! ascii ascii @@ syntax, an escape character
(X'1B') substitutes the character “!.”
Example @@1B 5C 31 32@
The two leading escape characters of this command string tells
the interface that the following characters should be treated in
pairs as hexadecimal codes, until the next escape character in the
data stream is registered.
T1—Offline Hex Dump (PCIA Dump)
Selects Offline Hexadecimal Dump, Printer Communications
Interface Area (PCIA) Dump, on the coax interface.
This function will only dump the buffer containing the command
T2—Online Hex Dump
Selects Online Hexadecimal Dump on the coax interface.
The current buffer contents are printed, and the next buffer
contents will be dumped.
The Online Hex Dump can also be activated using the test
button on the rear panel of the printer. Pressing the button
results in a settings printout and the configuration utility LED
indicator will start flashing approximately 10 seconds. The dump
is terminated by pressing the button again. (Refer also to the
T4—Printout Settings command.)
T3—Online ASCII Hex Dump
Selects Online ASCII Hexadecimal Dump.
Test 3 will be cancelled if you apply test 6 (T6).
T4—Printout Settings
Prints the current settings, and selects Test 4 print out.
Although you should readily use this FSL command to print the
current settings of your printer, you may also activate a settings
printout by pressing the test key on the rear panel of your
printer. Refer to the “Setting the printer emulation”section in the
“Configuring the coax interface card” chapter in this manual for
detailed procedure.
Since pressing the button while the LED is flashing brings the
interface to Online Hex Dump mode (T2), refer also to the T2—
Online Hex Dump command.
The settings printout is also available as a power up feature by
using the FSL Y120—Setting Printout at Power Up command.