3-65, C-4t
Y13—Set Wrap/Cut Option at Physical Paper Size,
3-6t, 3-23, 3-65, 3-69, C-4t
Y14—Enable Graphic Option, 3-6t, 3-24,
C-4t, D-3t, F-1t, G-1
Y19—Set Simplex / Duplex, 3-6t, 3-24 to 3-25,
3-65, C-4t
Y25—FF Before Local Copy, 3-6t, 3-25 to 3-26, B-2t,
Y26—FF After Local Copy, 3-7t, 3-26, 3-31, B-2t,
Y27—Non-SCS Print Image, 3-6t, 3-28 to 3-29,
Y28—Non-SCS, CR at MPP + 1, 3-6t, 3-29, C-4t
Y29—Non-SCS, NL at MPP + 1, 3-6t, 3-30, C-4t
Y30—Non-SCS, Valid FF Followed by Data, 3-6t,
3-31, C-4t
Y31—Non-SCS, Valid FF at End of Print Buffer, 3-6t
3-32, 3-34, C-4t
Y32—Non-SCS, FF Valid, 3-6t, 3-33, C-4t
Y33—Non-SCS, Automatic Function at End of Job,
3-6t, 3-26, 3-32, 3-34, C-4t
Y34—Last LF on Page Sent as FF, 3-6t, 3-35, C-4t
Y36—Suppress IBM Control Code, 3-6t, 3-35,
Y37—IBM Printer Emulation Select, 2-20, 3-6t,
3-36 to 3-37, C-4t, F-1t
Y38—IBM Communication Feature, (Query, EAB),
3-6t, 3-37, C-4t, D-3t, F-1t, G-1
Y44—Suppress CR and SP to Same Position, 3-7t,
3-37, C-4t
Y46—Set IRQ Timer, 3-7t, 3-38, C-5t
Y47—ESC-Mode Selection, 3-7t, 3-39, C-5t
Y48—Permanent Escape, 3-3, 3-4 to 3-5, 3-7t, 3-40,
Y49—Restrict Access of Temporary and Permanent
Settings, 3-7t, 3-40, C-5t
Y50—FF After Time Elapse, 3-7t, 3-41, C-5t
Y51—User Strings at Power Up, 3-7t, 3-41, 3-47,
Y57—User-defined String Before Local Copy, 3-7t,
3-42, C-5t
Y58—User-defined String After Local Copy, 3-7t,
3-42, C-5t
Y59—Bar Code Definition, 3-7t, 3-43 to 3-45, C-5t)
Y60—Font Link for GFIDs, 3-7t, 3-14, 3-45 to 3-47,
Y61—Setup for User-defined Strings, 3-7t, 3-47,
3-42, 3-47 to 3-48, C-5t
Y62—Setup for IBM-defined Strings, 3-7t, 3-14,
3-18, 3-19, 3-20, 3-41, 3-45, 3-48 to 3-52, C-5t
Y71—Create Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-52, C-5t
Y72—Reset Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-52, C-5t
Y73—Select Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-52 to 3-53, C-5t
Y74—Define Symbol Set String, 3-7t, 3-53, C-5t
Y75—Overwrite Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-53 to 3-54,
Y76—Create APL Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-54, C-5t
Y77—Reset APL Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-55, C-5t
Y78—Select APL Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-55, C-5t
Y80—Overwrite APL Translate Table, 3-7t, 3-56, C-5t
Y88—Define Page Offset, 3-7t, 3-57 to 3-58, 3-65,
3-69, C-6t
Y89—Enable Page Offset, 3-7t, 3-57, 3-65, 3-69,
Y91—GFID/Font Select Setup, 3-7t, 3-59 to 3-61,
Y92—Point Size Strings, 3-7t, 3-61, C-6t
Y93—Attribute Strings, 3-7t, 3-61, C-6t
Y94—Typeface Strings, 3-8t, 3-61 to 3-62, C-6t
Y96—GFID Select, 3-8t, 3-62, C-6t
Y98—Enable Automatic Page Orientation (APO)
Support, 3-8t, 3-62 to 3-63, 3-65, C-6t
Y100—Printer Share String and Timer, 3-8t, 3-63,
Y119—Enable/disable automatic paper size
configuration, 3-8t, 3-64, C-6t
Y120—Setting Printout at Power Up, 3-8t, 3-64,
Y249—Enter Engineering Mode, 3-8t, 3-64, C-6t
Y253—Allow Passwords, 3-8t, 3-65, C-6t
Z—Send User-defined String, 3-5, 3-8t, 3-8, 3-48,
3-65, C-6t
common command features, 3-8
buffer, D-1 to D10
Feature (Query, EAB), IBM, 3-6t, 3-37, C-4t, D-3t,
F-1t, G-1
compaction, 1-2
DSC command summary, 2-2t
SCS commands, 2-6t to 2-7t
compatibilities, features, 1-3
Compatible, Data Stream, see DSC
components, Configuration and Resource Utility, 7-16
compression, 1-2, 3-19
Computer Output Reduction, see COR
configurations, 6-1i to 6-3i, GLOSSARY-3
and sysgen samples, 6-1 to 6-7
checking the interface, 1-7 to 1-8i
Description List, 7-11 to 7-12
ELCI/RCD, viii to ix
Configuration and Resource Utility, 7-1 to 7-25
installing, 7-1 to 7-6
invoking, 7-18
components, 7-16
connector, coax, 1-6i
codes, DSC, 2-1 to 2-2
language, printer, see PCL 5
Unit Output Area, see CUOA