48 Chapter 5—General Operation
D24—Owner’s Manual
Soloing TracksTracks can be monitored individually using the Solo function.
1To solo a track, press its [SOLO/SELECT] button.
The signal from the soloed track is fed to the outputs selected using the Solo Out func-
tion, and the corresponding SOLO/SELECT indicator lights up.
Several tracks can be soloed at the same time, with odd numbered tracks mixed to the
left channel, and even numbered tracks mixed to the right channel.
2Press the [SOLO/SELECT] button again to unsolo the track.
The corresponding SOLO/SELECT indicator goes out.
Selecting the Solo OutputsSolo can be used with all outputs (i.e., PHONES jack, COAXIAL DIGITAL STEREO
OUTPUT, and the tracks outputs), or just the PHONES jack. This setting is made using
the Solo Out function.
1Press the [UTILITY] button.
The UTILITY indicator lights up.
2Use the JOG/DATA dial to select “SOLO OUT,” and then press the [ENTER]
The current Solo Out setting appears on the display.
3Use the JOG/DATA dial to select either “ALL OUTPUTS” or “PHONES.”
The default setting is PHONES.
4Press the [ENTER] button to activate your selection, or the [CANCEL] button
to cancel the Solo Out function.
5Press the [UTILITY] button again to leave utility.
The UTILITY indicator goes out.
When Solo Out is set to PHONES, the Solo signal is output only to the PHONES jack,
with odd numbered tracks mixed to the left channel, and even numbered tracks mixed
to the right channel. The COAXIAL DIGITAL STEREO OUTPUT and track outputs
are not affected by the Solo function.
When Solo Out is set to ALL OUTPUTS, the Solo signal is output to the PHONES jack
and COAXIAL DIGITAL OUTPUT, with odd numbered tracks mixed to the left chan-
nel, and even numbered tracks mixed to the right channel. In addition, the track out-
puts of soloed tracks output their respective track signals, and other track outputs are
muted. When track 1 is soloed, for example, track output 1 outputs the track 1 signal,
while track outputs 2 through 8 are muted.