9.2 Meter Lamp Replacement
The VU meters and meter-assign indicators are
illuminated by LEDs which should not require replace-
ment. Contact your Yamaha dealer or service facility
should a meter illumination LED fail.
9.3 Where To Check If There Is NoOutputIn general, when something appears not to be
working properly in a sound system, it is necessary to
have a clear understanding of the system block dia-
gram. One should look for a “good” signal by patching
around suspect equipment, modules or circuits. Sus-
pected “bad” cables can be replaced or swapped to see if
the problem follows the cable. These techniques should
be known to most experienced sound system operators.
In the case of the PM4000 console, however, there are a
number of apparent fault conditions, which the operator
may inadvertently create simply by setting controls in a
particular configuration, whereby no signal reaches the
output. The following chart depicts the most likely
errors you may encounter, and points out how to correct
the problem.
Input channel signals do not appear at Console is in SOLO mode, and an input Release master SOLO MODE switch to ac-
the Group, Stereo, Aux or Matrix outputs channel to which no signal is applied has tivate all channels which should be on.
its CUE/SOLO switch engaged.
The affected input channel(s) have Disengage the MASTER MUTE switch, or the
MUTE assign switches engaged, and affected input channel MUTE switch(es).
the MASTER MUTE group to which the
channel(s) is assigned is set to mute
The affected input channel(s) have Disconnect the VCA/MUTE connector to
MUTE assign switches engaged, and check theory; if output is restored, check
the remote VCA/MUTE connection is remote circuitry.
causing the MASTER MUTE group to be
Certain input channels or groups of The affected input channel(s) have VCA Disengage VCA assign switch on the channel
channels, cannot be heard at Group, assign switches engaged, and the VCA affected or raise the VCA Master Fader to a
Stereo, Post-Fader Aux sends, or Matrix Master Fader to which the channel(s) is higher setting.
outputs. assigned is set to minimum level (down).
The affected input channel(s) have VCA Disconnect the VCA/MUTE connector to
assign switches engaged, and the check theory; if output is restored, check
remote VCA/MUTE connection is remote circuitry.
causing the VCA Master level to go to
Certain input channels or groups of The affected input channels are as- Raise the Group Fader setting to a higher
channels cannot be heard at Group out- signed to a Group Fader which is set to level.
puts, Group-to-Stereo outputs or Group minimum level (down), and the G›ST and
to-Mtrx outputs. G›MTRX feeds are post Group Fader.
Individual input channel cannot be heard Channel ON/off switch is off, or its PAD Turn On the channel. Set the PAD for a lower
at the Group, Stereo, Aux or Matrix and GAIN controls are set so input sen- value and/or GAIN at a higher value.
outputs. sitivity is too low.
Channel INSERT switch is engaged, and Disengage INSERT switch or check the signal
a plug is connected to the channels IN- at the INSERT IN jack
SERT IN jack, but no signal is applied to
that plug.
A phantom powered condenser micro-
phone or direct box is connected to the
channel and is not receiving phantom
Check to be sure channel and master 48V
switches are on.
There is no output, and no console func- Power is not reaching the PM4000.
Verify that PW4000A is On and that its
tions work at all. umbilical cables both are properly connected.
Check fuses and AC mains voltage.
Fuses are OK and power supply turns Power supply cables are misconnected Check cables and correct as required.
on, but console does not turn on. (A to B and vice-versa) or not connected.
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