Figure 2-1b. PM4000 Standard Input Module
(middle portion of module)
NOTE: A signal processor (effects device) can be set up
before it is needed, its levels adjusted using the always
active INSERT OUT signal, and then the processor can
be inserted on cue in the channel’s signal path by
pressing this switch.
17. AUX 1 - 8 (Send level & Pre/Off/Post switches)
There are 8 rotary AUX send level controls with
concentric PRE/OFF/POST switches. The switch
mutes (turns off) the send, or derives signal
before (PRE) or after (POST) the channel fader
and equalizer. The inner rotary control deter-
mines how much of the selected signal source is
applied to the correspondingly numbered auxil-
Page 2-4
iary mixing bus. When the switch is in the center
(OFF) position, no signal is applied to the auxil-
iary bus.
NOTE: In some applications, it is preferable to have the
PRE position be Pre-Fader & Post-EQ rather than Pre-
Fader & Pre EQ. The PM4000 is equipped with internal
switches that make it easy to change the “Pre” of each
AUX send in this manner. This functional modification
can be performed on a channel-by-channel basis, and for
any or all AUX sends within each channel. Refer to the
OPTIONAL FUNCTIONS section of this manual for
additional information.
NOTE: All eight aux sends perform identical functions,
as shipped. Color coding helps associate the channel
send controls with the Aux Master LEVEL controls. If
you reset the “Pre” function for the sends of some busses,
or on some channels, it is a good idea to attach a note to
the console indicating how you have set it up.
CAUTION: Any input module may be usedas an auxiliary return. If a module is usedin this way, DO NOT assign the return tothe same auxiliary bus whose output isfeeding the signal processor which isproviding the return signal. This willalmost certainly cause feedback whichcan damage circuits and/or loudspeakers.This caution applies to Aux busses 1through 8, and to the stereo aux busses.18. AUX ST 1
These are two pair of concentric level controls
and switches. Depending on how you set the
outer switch on the right-hand control, they can
function as either an independent pair of Aux
sends, similar to the eight individual AUX sends,
or they can function as a single stereo Aux send
with level and balance controls.
The outer PRE/OFF/POST switch on the left-
hand control set determines whether the send
is off, derives signal before the fader and
equalizer, of after them (just as with the
individual aux sends). This function affects
both “sides” of the AUX ST 1 output, whether
used for stereo or dual mono sends.
The outer switch on the right-hand control set
determines whether AUX ST 1 functions as a
stereo send (switch set to the left “PAN” posi-
tion) or as a pair of mono sends (switch set to
the right “LEVEL R” position).
When the send is set for stereo mode, the inner
rotary control on the left determines the overall
LEVEL applied to the Stereo 1 L & R auxiliary