6.8 Stereo Input Channel Aux Sends:
switch is set to PRE position, the aux send is derived
Pre Fader & EQ or
ahead of the the fader and equalizer (but after the high
Pre Fader/Post EQ
pass filter). In situations where it is desirable to apply
channel EQ to the send, the internal slide switch for
Eight slide switches in each stereo input module that aux send can be reset so that the PRE position
permit each of the eight mono auxiliary sends and to be remains pre-fader, but is taken after the EQ. This is the
altered. Two more switches perform the same function same as the corresponding function on the mono input
for the two stereo aux sends. As shipped, the console is
wired so that if the front-panel aux PRE/OFF/POST
Figure 6-8. Internal Switch Positions For Stereo Input Module Pre-EQ And Post-EQ Aux Sends,
and the Corresponding Location on the Block Diagram.
Page 6-9