81. ON switch (Monitor B On)
Engaging this switch applies the Monitor B
signal to the Monitor B left and right output
connectors. The switch is illuminated when the
output is on.
Figure 2-6b. PM4000 Monitor Module
(middle portion of module)
82. 2TR IN 1, 2TR, IN 2, ST CH3, ST CH4, ST OUT
(Monitor A Source Select Switches)
These five switches function just like the first five
Monitor B Source Select switches [78], except
they send signal to the Monitor A outputs.
83. AUX ST 1, AUX ST2 (Monitor A Source Select
These two switches provide still more choices for
driving the Monitor A output, selecting from the
AUX ST 1 master output or AUX ST 2 master
output (post-fader and post-on/off switch).
84. AUX, GROUP, MTRX (Monitor A Source
Select Switches)
These three switches provide many more choices
for driving the Monitor A output, selecting from
the auxiliary, group or matrix outputs (post-
master faders and post-on/off switches). There
are eight possible busses you can monitor in each
of these three groupings, and they are divided
into four stereo pairs (see bus group selectors
85. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 (Aux/Group/Mtrx bus group
Pressing one of these four switches selects the
bus pair which the associated AUX, GROUP or
MTRX switch [84] will feed to the Monitor A
86. LEVEL (Monitor A level control)
This rotary control sets the level of the signal
going to the Monitor A left and right output
87. CUE (Indicator)
This red LED turns on when the cue system has
been activated as a reminder that previously
selected monitor A signal has replaced whatever
signal(s) you may have selected for with one or
more of the console’s CUE switches.
88. MONO (Monitor A mode)
Engaging this locking switch combines the left
and right sides of the monitor A signal and feeds
the combined mono signal to the left and right
monitor A outputs. The LED in the switch is
illuminated when mono monitoring is active. It is
useful for checking the mono compatibility of a
stereo program signal.
89. ON (Monitor A On)
Engaging this switch applies the Monitor A
signal to the Monitor A left and right output
connectors. The switch is illuminated when the
output is on.
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