combined signal through a single bus, which is why full-length
Group Master Faders are provided on the PM4000. However,
when the VCA Master Faders are used, more than one VCA
Master can combine to alter the level of a single input channel.
What’s more, the VCA Master Fader, because it affects the input
channel directly, can also alter that channel’s post-Fader output
to any of the eight auxiliary mixing busses, something not
possible with the conventional Group Master Faders. Because
the VCA Master levels are voltage controlled, the PM4000 can be
automated, at least to the extent of controlling group levels. A
rear panel multi-pin connector can be used for this purpose.
These VCAs are sonically improved, and to insure reliable
operation, all bus, VCA group, and mute group assignments are
via proven latching switches; Yamaha has avoided C-MOS
switching and “glue-logic” for these vital functions.
The MASTER MUTE function facilitates scene changes and
complex cues. Each input channel has eight MUTE assign
switches. These permit the channel’s on/off function to be re-
motely controlled by the eight MASTER MUTE switches. Once a
channel is switched on locally, it can be muted (turned off) or
unmuted (turned on) if it is assigned to one or more of the mute
groups. This permits multiple channels to be silenced or acti-
vated all at once, which expedites live sound mixing, band
personnel or instrument changes, theatrical scene changes, and
so forth. If, however, it is imperative that a certain channel never
be inadvertently muted, or that muting temporarily be overrid-
den, the input channel’s MUTE SAFE switch can be engaged.
Muting can also be controlled remotely, via a rear panel connec-
tor, so automation here, too, is possible. In addition to the master
muting function, the VCA master faders have mute switches
which mute the corresponding VCA group (or at least prevent the
master from altering input levels); this provides another, differ-
ent layer of master control of levels to facilitate tracking program
changes with the mix.
In recognition of the increasing trend toward full-function
auxiliary return, the PM4000 relies upon full-capability input
modules for aux returns. That's why the console is available with
up to 48 input channels, including stereo inputs. For added
flexibility, the INSERT in jack(s) on any input module can be
used for aux return purposes, and then the channels INSERT
ON switch can pick up the aux return instead of any signal
which may remain connected to the main channel input(s). This
allows a given channel to perform different functions at different
times without patching cables.
An excellent feature of the PM4000 is its extensive cue and
solo capability. There is a CUE/SOLO switch on every input
channel and on the aux returns, and a CUE switch on every
auxiliary send, the group outputs, the matrix outputs and the
Figure 1-1. PM4000 Modules (Left-to-Right):
Monaural Input (24, 32, 40 or 48 in console), Stereo
Input (at least 4 per console), Master, Stereo Master,
Talkback, and Monitor
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