Prestige 2602HWL-D3A Support Notes
The Prestige supports traces when there is problem to connect your ISP using PPPoE protocol. Please follow the procedure below to collect the trace for our troubleshooting.
1.Remove the LAN cable attached on the Prestige
2.Enter SMT using console port
3.Enter Menu
4.Type the following commands:
sys trcp sw on (turn on packet trace)
sys errctl 3 (save crash information and make system enter debug mode after the crash)
poe debug 1 (turn on pppoe debug)
dev dial 1 (dial remote node 1)
5.After all, if the Prestige crashes and you can do nothing, please send the above log back to us.
6.If the Prestige crashes and you are able to enter commands, please type 'atds' in debug mode to dump the log and send the log to us.
7.If the Prestige does not crash but just can not dial out, please capture the following further log and send us the log.
sys trcp sw off (turn off packet trace)
sys log disp i (capture system error log)
sys trcp parse (parse the trace in detail)
Example- A trace with system crashes
ras> sys trcp sw on ras> sys errctl 3 ras> poe debug 1 ras> dev dial 1
Start dialing for node <GPMI>...
poeNetCmdExe: chann poe0 event x420
poeChannDial: start session, peer<GPMI>
bdcastInit: pch poe0
poePut1SrvcName: '' len 0
putPoeHdr: ver 1 type 1 code x09
bdcastSendInit: l1.pktTx() failed, pch poe0 ch enet0
All contents copyright (c) 2007 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.