This page allows you to set the file name that will be used when snapshots are taken. To access this page, navigate to [Setup] > [Event Setup] > [Event Server Setup] > [Image]. The following screen will appear. Server
This page allows you to input a message that notifies a server that an event was triggered. This feature is meant to be integrated with video management software. Server
The HTTP Server page allows you to set your camera to input the URL of an HTTP server used by an NVR in order to signal your NVR that there’s an event being triggered. To access this page, navigate to [Setup] > [Event Setup] > [Event Server Setup] > [HTTP]. The following screen will appear. Server
Your IP camera is capable of sending SMS notifications to one or more
To access this page, navigate to [Setup] > [Event Setup] > [Event Server Setup] > [SMS Server]. The following screen will appear.