Chapter 9 The System Configuration Screens
User’s Guide 101
9.2 General Click ADVANCED > System Configuration > General to change the WiMAX
Modem’s mode, set up its system name, domain name, idle timeout, and
administrator password.
Figure 40 ADVANCED > System Configuration > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 31 ADVANCED > System Configuration > General
System Setup
System Name Enter your computer's "Computer Name". This is for identification
purposes, but some ISPs also check this field. This name can be up to
30 alphanumeric characters long. Spaces are not allowed, but dashes “-
” and underscores "_" are accepted.
Domain Name Enter the domain name entry that is propagated to D HCP clients on the
LAN. If you leave this blank, the domain name obtained from the ISP is
used. Use up to 38 alphanumeric characters. Spaces are not allowed,
but dashes “-” and periods "." are accepted.
Inactivity Timer Enter the number of minutes a management session can be left idle
before the session times out. After it times out, you have to log in
again. A value of "0" means a management session never times out, no
matter how long it has been left idle. This is not recommended. Long
idle timeouts may have security risks. The default is five minutes.
Password Setup
Old Password Enter the current password you use to access the WiMAX Modem.
New Password Enter the new password for the WiMAX Modem. You can use up to 30
characters. As you type the password, the screen displays an asterisk
(*) for each character you type.