Chapter 4 VoIP Connection Wizard
User’s Guide
4.2.1 First Voice Account SettingsThis VoIP Connection Wizard screen allows you to configure your voice account.
The settings here correspond to the VOICE > Service Configuration > SIP
Setting screen (see Section 10.2 on page 113 for more information).
Figure 12 VoIP Connection > First Voice Account Settings
The following table describes the labels in this screen
Table 8 VoIP Connection > First Voice Account Settings
SIP Number Enter your SIP number in this field (use the number or text that
comes before the @ symbol in a SIP account like 1234@VoIP-
provider.com). You can use up to 127 ASCII characters.
SIP Server Address Type the IP address or domain name of the SIP server in this
field. It doesn’t matter whether the SIP server is a proxy,
redirect or register server. You can use up to 95 ASCII
SIP Service Domain Enter the SIP service domain name in this field (the domain
name that comes after the @ symbol in a SIP account li ke
1234@VoIP-provider.com). You can use up to 127 ASCII
Extended set characters.
User Name This is the user name for registering this SIP account with the
SIP register server. Type the user name exactly as it was given
to you. You can use up to 95 ASCII characters.
Password Type the password associated with the user name above. You
can use up to 95 ASCII Extended set characters.