User’s Guide 361


AAA 79
AbS 116
accounting server
see AAA
ACK message 123
activity 79
Advanced Encryption Standard
see AES
AES 259
ALG 96, 246, 249
alternative subnet mask notation 302
analysis-by-synthesis 116
antenna 244
Application Layer Gateway
see ALG
authentication 48, 79, 81, 257
inner 260
server 79
types 260
authorization 257
request and reply 259
server 79
auto dial 248


base station
see BS
BS 7778
links 78
BYE request 124


CA 147, 164
and certificates 165
Europe type service mode 134
forwarding 248
hold 134136
park and pickup 248
return 248
service mode 134136
transfer 135136
waiting 135136, 248
caller ID 249
CCMP 257, 259
cell 77
Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) 152
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 165
certificates 147, 257
advantages 165
and CA 165
certification path 155, 161, 164
expired 164
factory-default 165
file formats 165
fingerprints 156, 162
importing 149
not used for encryption 164
revoked 164
self-signed 151
serial number 155, 161
storage space 148
thumbprint algorithms 167
thumbprints 167
used for authentication 164
verification 259
verifying fingerprints 166
authority, see CA
notices 351
requests 147, 151, 152
viewing 351
chaining 259
chaining message authentication