Chapter 18 The Logs Screens
User’s Guide
ip spoofing - WAN ICMP
(type:%d, code:%d) The firewall detected an ICMP IP spoofing attack on the
WAN port.
icmp echo : ICMP
(type:%d, code:%d) The firewall detected an ICMP echo attack.
syn flood TCP The firewall detected a TCP syn flood attack.
ports scan TCP The firewall detected a TCP port scan attack.
teardrop TCP The firewall detected a TCP teardrop attack.
teardrop UDP The firewall detected an UDP teardrop attack.
teardrop ICMP (type:%d,
code:%d) The firewall detected an ICMP teardrop attack.
illegal command TCP The firewall detected a TCP illegal command attack.
NetBIOS TCP The firewall detected a TCP NetBIOS attack.
ip spoofing - no routing
entry [ TCP | UDP | IGMP
| ESP | GRE | OSPF ]
The firewall classified a packet with no source routing
entry as an IP spoofing attack.
ip spoofing - no routing
entry ICMP (type:%d,
The firewall classified an ICMP packet with no source
routing entry as an IP spoofing attack.
vulnerability ICMP
(type:%d, code:%d) The firewall detected an ICMP vulnerability attack.
traceroute ICMP (type:%d,
code:%d) The firewall detected an ICMP traceroute attack.
ports scan UDP The firewall detected a UDP port scan attack.
Firewall sent TCP packet
in response to DoS attack
The firewall sent TCP packet in response to a DoS attack
ICMP Source Quench ICMP The firewall detected an ICMP Source Quench attack.
ICMP Time Exceed ICMP The firewall detected an ICMP Time Exceed attack.
ICMP Destination
Unreachable ICMP The firewall detected an ICMP Destination Unreachable
ping of death. ICMP The firewall detected an ICMP ping of death attack.
smurf ICMP The firewall detected an ICMP smurf attack.
Table 89 Remote Management LogsLOG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION
Remote Management: FTP denied Attempted use of FTP service was blocked according
to remote management settings.
Remote Management: TELNET
denied Attempted use of TELNET service was blocked
according to remote management settings.
Remote Management: HTTP or
UPnP denied Attempted use of HTTP or UPnP service was blocked
according to remote management settings.
Table 88 Attack Logs (continued)LOG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION