Chapter 5 The Setup Screens
User’s Guide 61
5.4.1 Pre-Defined NTP Time Servers ListThe WiMAX Modem uses a pre-defined list of NTP time servers if you do not
specify a time server or it cannot synchronize with the time server you specified.
It can use this list regardless of the time protocol you select.
When the WiMAX Modem uses the list, it randomly selects one server and tries to
synchronize with it. If the synchronization fails, then it goes through the rest of
Current Date Displays the current time according to the WiMAX Modem.
Time and Date Setup
Manual Select this if you want to specify the current date and time in the
fields below.
New Time Enter the new time in this field, and click Apply.
New Date Enter the new date in this field, and click Apply.
Get from Time Server Select this if you want to use a time server to update the current
date and time in the WiMAX Modem.
Time Protocol Select the time service protocol that your time server
uses.Check with your ISP or network administrator, or use trial-
and-error to find a protocol that works.
Daytime (RFC 867) - This format is day/month/year/time
Time (RFC 868) - This format displays a 4-byte integer giving
the total number of seconds since 1970/1/1 at 0:0:0.
NTP (RFC 1305) - This format is similar to Time (RFC 868).
Time Server
Address Enter the IP address or URL of your time server. Check with your
ISP or network administrator if you are unsure of this
Time Zone Setup
Time Zone Select the time zone at your location.
Daylight Savings Select this if your location uses daylight savings time. Daylight
savings is a period from late spring to early fall when many
places se t their cl ocks ahe ad of norm al local t ime by one hour to
give more daytime light in the evening.
Start Date Enter which hour on which day of which week of which month
daylight-savings time starts.
End Date Enter which hour on the which day of which week of which
month daylight-savings time ends.
Apply Click to save your changes.
Reset Click to restore your previously saved settings.
Table 11 SETUP > Time Setting (continued)