Chapter 14 The Firewall Screens
User’s Guide 173
14.3 ServicesClick TOOLS > Firewall > Services to enable service blocking, set up the date
and time service blocking is effective, and to maintain the list of services you want
to block.
Figure 71 TOOLS > Firewall > Service Setting
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 60 TOOLS > Firewall > Service Setting
Service Setup
Enable Services
Blocking Select this to activate service blocking. The Schedule to Block section
controls what days and what times service blocking is actually effective,
Services This is a list of pre-defined services (destination ports) you may prohibit
your LAN computers from using. Select the port you want to block, and
click Add to add the port to the Blocked Services field.
A custom port is a service that is not available in the pre-defined
Available Services list. You must define it using the Type and Port
Number fields.