User’s Guide 363
GG.168 129, 246
G.711 116, 249
G.726 249
G.729 116, 249
Hhumidity 244
hybrid waveform codec 116
identity 79, 257
idle timeout 184
IEEE 802.16 77, 257
IEEE 802.16e 77
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN 122
inner authentication 260
interface 244
access 79, 245
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
see IANA 308
Internet Telephony Service Provider
see ITSP
interoperability 77
IP alias 245
IP-PBX 111
ITSP 111
ITU-T 129
Jjitter buffer 246
Kkey 48, 81, 257
request and reply 259
Llistening port 119
MMAC 259
MAN 77
Management Information Base (MIB) 188
manual site survey 85, 86
Media Access Protocol 244
Message Authentication Code
see MAC
message integrity 259
message waiting indication 116
Metropolitan Area Network
see MAN
microwave 77, 78
mobile station
see MS
modulation 244
MS 78
multimedia 112
multiple SIP accounts 245
MWI 116
My Certificates 148
see also certificates
NNAT 115, 307
and remote management 184
routers 115
server sets 90
activity 79