User’s Guide 195
17.1 Overview
Quality of Service (QoS) refers to both a network’s ability to deliver data with
minimum delay, and the networking methods used to control the use of
bandwidth. Without QoS, all traffic data is equally likely to be dropped when the
network is congested. This can cause a reduction in network performance and
make the network inadequate for time-critical application such as video-on-
17.2 General
Click TOOLS > QoS to open the screen as shown next. Use this screen to enable
or disable QoS.
Figure 85 QoS > General
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 72 TOOLS > Remote Management > Security
Active QoS Select this to enable QoS for the WiMAX Modem. Selecting this may
improve network performance, especially if you are using VoIP
applications or are playing online video games.
Apply Click to save your changes.
Reset Click to restore your previously saved settings.