Chapter 4 VoIP Connection Wizard
User’s Guide 53
After you enter your voice account settings and click Next, the WiMAX Modem
attempts to register your SIP account with the SIP server.
Figure 13 VoIP Connection > SIP Registration TestThis screen displays if SIP account registration fails. Check your WiMAX
connection using the WiMAX Link and Strength Indicator LEDs on the front of
the WiMAX Modem, then wait a few seconds and click Register Again. If your
Check here to set up
SIP2 settings. This screen configures SIP account 1. Select the check box if
you have a second S IP account that y o u want to use. You will
need to configure the same fields for the second SIP account.
Back Click to return to the previous screen.
Apply Click to complete the wizard setup and save your configuration.
Exit Click to close the wizard without saving your settings.
Table 8 VoIP Connection > First Voice Account Settings (continued)LABEL DESCRIPTION