Chapter 12 The Phone Book Screens
User’s Guide 143
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 49 VOICE > Phone Book > Speed DialLABEL DESCRIPTION
Speed Dial Select the speed-dial number you want to use for this phone number.
Number Enter the SIP number you want the WiMAX Modem to call when you dial
the speed-dial number.
Name Enter a name to identify the party you call when you dial the speed-dial
number. You can use up to 127 printable ASCII characters.
Type Sel ect Use Proxy if you want to use one of your SIP accounts to call
this phone number.
Select Non-Proxy (Use IP or URL) if you want to use a different SIP
server or if you want to make a peer-to-peer call. In this case, enter the
IP address or domain name of the SIP server or the other party in the
field below.
Add Click to add the new number to the list below.
# This is a list of speed dial numbers.
Number This is the SIP number the WiMAX Modem calls when you use this speed
dial number.
Name This is the name of the party associated with this speed-dial number.
Type This indicates whether this speed dial number uses a proxy or not when
placing a call to the phone number associated with it.
Destination This indicates if the speed-dial entry uses one of your SIP accounts or
uses the IP address or domain name of the SIP server.
Action Click the Delete icon to erase this speed-dial entry.
Apply Click to save your changes.
Clear Click to clear all fields on the screen and begin anew.