Chapter 7 Wireless LAN
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide 55
7.8 QoS ScreenThe QoS screen by default allows you to automatically give a service a priority level
according to the ToS value in the IP header of the packets it sends.
7.8.1 ToS (Type of Service) and WMM QoS
ToS defines the DS (Differentiated Service) field in the IP packet header. The ToS value of
outgoing packets is between 0 and 255. 0 is the lowest priority.
WMM QoS checks the ToS in the header of transmitted data packets. It gives the application a
priority according to this number. If the ToS is not specified, then transmitted data is treated as
normal or best-effort traffic.
REAL_AUDIO(TCP:7070) A streaming audio service that enables real time sound over the web.
REXEC(TCP:514) Remote Execution Daemon.
RLOGIN(TCP:513) Remote Login.
RTELNET(TCP:107) Remote Telnet.
RTSP(TCP/UDP:554) The Real Time Streaming (media control) Protocol (RTSP) is a
remote control for multimedia on the Internet.
SFTP(TCP:115) Simple File Transfer Protocol.
SMTP(TCP:25) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the message-exchange standard for
the Internet. SMTP enables you to move messages from one e-mail
server to another.
SNMP(TCP/UDP:161) Simple Network Management Program.
SNMP-TRAPS(TCP/UDP:162) Traps for use with the SNMP (RFC:1215).
SQL-NET(TCP:1521) Structured Query Language is an interface to access data on many
different types of database systems, including mainframes, midrange
systems, UNIX systems and network servers.
SSH(TCP/UDP:22) Secure Shell Remote Login Program.
STRM WORKS(UDP:1558) Stream Works Protocol.
SYSLOG(UDP:514) Syslog allows you to send system logs to a UNIX server.
TACACS(UDP:49) Login Host Protocol used for (Terminal Access Controller Access
Control System).
TELNET(TCP:23) Telnet is the login and terminal emulation protocol common on the
Internet and in UNIX environments. It operates over TCP/IP
networks. Its primary function is to allow users to log into remote host
TFTP(UDP:69) Trivial File Transfer Protocol is an Internet file transfer protocol
similar to FTP, but uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) rather
than TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
VDOLIVE(TCP:7000) Another videoconferencing solution.
Table 41 Commonly Used Services (continued)