Chapter 13 Certificates
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide 55
13.15 Directory Servers
Click Security > Certificates > Directory Servers to open the Directory Servers screen.
This screen displays a summary list of directory servers (that contain lists of valid and revoked
certificates) that have been saved into the P-660HWP-Dx. If you decide to have the P-
660HWP-Dx check incoming certificates against the issuing certification authority’s list of
revoked certificates, the P-660HWP-Dx first checks the server(s) listed in the CRL
Distribution Points field of the incoming certificate. If the certificate does not list a server or
the listed server is not available, the P-660HWP-Dx checks the servers listed here.
Figure 124 Security > Certificates > Directory Servers
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
13.16 Directory Server Add or Edit
Click Security > Certificates > Directory Servers to open the Directory Servers screen.
Click Add (or the details icon) to open the Directory Server Add screen. Use this screen to
configure information about a directory server that the P-660HWP-Dx can access.
Table 81 Security > Certificates > Directory Servers
PKI Storage
Space in Use
This bar displays the percentage of the P-660HWP-Dx’s PKI storage space that is
currently in use. When the storage space is almost full, you should consider
deleting expired or unnecessary certificates before adding more certificates.
# The index number of the directory server. The servers are listed in alphabetical
Name This field displays the name used to identify this directory server.
Address This field displays the IP address or domain name of the directory server.
Port This field displays the port number that the directory server uses.
Protocol This field displays the protocol that the directory server uses.
Modify Click the details icon to open a screen where you can change the information
about the directory server.
Click the delete icon to remove the directory server entry. A window displays
asking you to confirm that you want to delete the directory server. Note that
subsequent certificates move up by one when you take this action.
Add Click Add to open a screen where you can configure information about a directory
server so that the P-660HWP-Dx can access it.