Chapter 4 Bandwidth Management Wizard

P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide

Figure 42 Bandwidth Management Wizard: Configuration

The following table describes the labels in this screen.
5Follow the on-screen instructions and click Finish to complete the wizard setup and save your configuration.

Table 19 Bandwidth Management Wizard: Configuration

Active Select an entry’s Active check box to turn on bandwidth management for the service/
Service These fields display the services names.
Priority Select High, Mid or Low priority for each service to have your P-660HWP-Dx use a
priority for traffic that matches that service.
A service with High priority is given as much bandwidth as it needs.
If you select services as having the same priority, then bandwidth is divided equally
amongst those services.
Services not specified in bandwidth management are allocated bandwidth after all
specified services receive their bandwidth requirements.
If the rules set up in this wizard are changed in Advanced > Bandwidth MGMT >
Rule Setup, then the service priority radio button will be set to User Configured.
The Advanced > Bandwidth MGMT > Rule Setup screen allows you to edit these
rule configurations.
Back Click Back to go back to the previous wizard screen.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes to the P-660HWP-Dx.
Exit Click Exit to close the wizard screen without saving your changes.