Chapter 13 Certificates
P-660HWP-Dx User’s Guide
13.7 My Certificates > Create Click Security > Certificates > My Certificates > Create to open the My Certificate Create
screen. Use this screen to have the P-660HWP-Dx create a self-signed certificate, enroll a
certificate with a certification authority or generate a certification request.
Figure 116 Security > Certificates > My Certificates > Create
Back Click Back to go the previous screen
Export Click Export to export a file containing your certificate details.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the P-660HWP-Dx. You can only
change the name, except in the case of a self-signed certificate, which you can
also set to be the default self-signed certificate that signs the imported trusted
remote host certificates.
Cancel Click Cancel to quit and return to the My Certificates screen.
Table 72 Security > Certificates > My Certificates > Details (continued)